
Our area – Municipality of Apokoronou

In the N.E of the prefecture of Chania, the visitor encounters one of the five provinces of the prefecture, the province of Apokoronou. Apokoronas has an area of 313 square kilometers (98 plains, 103 semi-mountainous, 112 mountainous)

Prefecture of Chania

The Prefecture of Chania is located at the western end of Crete and is particularly rich in natural beauties, historical and cultural memories from ancient times until today.

The City of Chania

Crete’s most poetic city leaves you a pleasant beauty gustation when you walk it by feet. Built on the ruins of ancient city Kidonia, has faced many invaders, but also experienced civilizations of which their imprints appear on the facades of buildings, castles, walls, antiquities, monasteries and churches.


In a varied but splendid climate, the bridge that connects Europe with Africa, the crossroad of three continents, has kept in green full forests and abrupt gorges the best goods of nature. This island, the biggest in Greece, is a place with tall mountains, green plains, clean beaches and marvelous people.